Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Days Grow Short—An Autumn Reflection on John 9:4-5

Photo: Greg Dueker
Autumn—the season when nature grows dormant and dies back, it challenges me to wake up and free myself from the cobwebs of inactivity. The days grow shorter and cooler. Now, as I drive home from work, the sun is already setting when only recently it would have been up for another four hours! The nights grow longer and seem bolder as day by day my calendar nears its end. They signal winter's rapid approach. Soon we will long for a warm dry day to be enjoyed to its fullest, whereas just last week sunny and dry was business as usual.

Photo by Greg Dueker
I must ask myself whether I've grown spiritually lethargic and apathetic—having had so many sunny days in which to work. I'm thankful that autumn's brisk winds cut straight through my lungs to my heart. They remind me that time is short, indeed precious, and to be used for his kingdom.

Jesus' words in John 9:4-5 are quickened to me. He said, 
"We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

Later, Jesus said, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” So have I been sent? Has God given me a job to do? Am I a husband, father, neighbor, witness, or encourager? Am I doing the good works which God created and redeemed me to do (Ephesians 2:10), or am I merely living for myself unfulfilled and unfruitful?

In the John 9 passage quoted above, the Lord Jesus knew his days on earth were numbered, and he was committed to fulfilling his calling:
  • revealing the Father’s loving character to the lost,
  • restoring sight to the blind,
  • releasing those in spiritual captivity
  • repelling darkness, and,
  • redeeming mankind from the power and penalty of sin.
Photo: Greg Dueker
He worked with singleness of mind, heart, and purpose. Jesus knew he was sent. He knew his days were growing short. He knew what was at stake for himself, for his disciples, for the multitudes, and for us. Our days in this world are also numbered and growing short. As the psalmist prays, "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12)

Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash
The time comes all too swiftly when we go to meet our Lord through that doorway called death. I know I've had many sunny days to minister God's love, light, and life to others, and I don't want to go into Jesus' presence trying to explain why I took my one, two, or five talents and buried them in the TV, a book, or my own appetites. God wants us to invest our all in reaching the lost with the good news that he has paid the price for our sins. He is not willing that anyone should perish but that everyone would come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). Yet, He is coming soon: the night is coming when no one can work...when it will be too late.

We don't know how long we'll be here.
We don't know how long they'll be here.
We don't know how long until He gets here.
            The days are only getting shorter.

I am seeking a heart of wisdom this fall! How about you?

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

No Excuses—7 Helps in Overcoming Temptation (1 Cor. 10)

[This article was originally posted on my Our Long View blog]

While this topic sounds a little heavy on self-effort, it actually is more of a response of love to the love which God has poured out into our hearts. However, following Christ doesn’t mean that the testing times of adverse circumstances go away. With that, we will continue to be tempted to take things into our own hands. Our current culture is biased towards a non-faith position—that God either doesn’t exist or that if he does he doesn’t reward those who seek him (contra Heb. 11:6). The Apostle Paul knew that the life of a follower of Jesus is one that requires us to not let our defenses down because temptation will come.  

The purpose of temptation is to cause us to be disqualified from the race entirely, or at the very least to prevent us from winning the reward by:
Dragging down,
puffing up,
wearing down,
breaking up,
putting out,
working in,
walking out,
sucking in,
sneaking around,
racing through,
getting by,
laughing at,
running away,
leading astray,
skimming through,
sweeping under,
exalting over,
leaving behind,
& It comes near by . . .
killing time,
                                   . . . and a lot more ways if I really wanted to list them!

In 1 Corinthians 10, the concept of disqualification continues as Paul writes about those Israelites who were disqualified in the wilderness…

1 Corinthians 10:1-14
For I do not want you to be unaware, brothers,
that our fathers were all under the cloud,
                           and all passed through the sea,
                           and all were baptized into Moses
                                             in the cloud and
                                             in the                 sea, 
                          and all ate the same spiritual food, 
                          and all drank the same spiritual drink.
                        For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them,
                                                               and the Rock was Christ.
  Nevertheless, with most of them God was not pleased,  
                         for they were overthrown in the wilderness.

  Now these things took place                   as examples for us,
that we might not desire evil as they did. 
                Do not be idolaters 
                         as some of them were; as it is written, 
“The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play.” 
       We must not indulge in sexual immorality 
                          as some of them did,
                                              and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day. 
       We must not put Christ to the test, 
                          as some of them did
                                              and were destroyed by serpents,
                      nor grumble, 
                          as some of them did
                                              and were destroyed by the Destroyer. 

Now these things happened
                                         to them as an example,
                                                  but they were written down for our instruction, 
                                                         on whom the end of the ages has come. 
                  let anyone who thinks that he stands
                                     take heed lest he fall. 
                                   No temptation
     has overtaken you that is not common to man.
 but God is faithful,
and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability,
                     but with the temptation
       he will also provide the way of escape,
                      that you may be able to endure it.

How Can We Be Victorious Over Temptation? A good place to start is to stop making excuses! Here are several Scriptural ingredients in the recipe for overcoming temptation successfully. Let's take a moment to examine them.

1) Learn from the mistakes of others (v.1-11)
  • Avoid Their Idolatry—They worshipped other gods (v.7; Exodus 32:6).
  • Avoid Their Immorality—They indulged in sexual immorality (v.8; Ex. 32; Num. 25:1-3 & Psalm 106 are similar but not the same).
  • Avoid Their Ingratitude—They murmured or grumbled at the providence of God. It was an indictment of his character. (v.10; Num. 11, 14:2,29-37).
I find that Psalm 106 is a great Psalm of “National Confession” for all these sins in the wilderness as opposed to Exodus 32:21-24 which contains Aaron’s lamest excuse ever!  
   “So I said to them, ‘Let any who have gold take it off.’ 
    So they gave it to me, and I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf.”

 Excuse Dealt With"I didn't know." Idolatry, sexual immorality, and grumbling are never OK and we have been warned about them in advance.

In v. 12-13 we find quite a few other important excuse-busters…
                  let anyone who thinks that he stands
                                     take heed lest he fall. 
                                   No temptation
     has overtaken you that is not common to man.
       God is faithful,
and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability,
                     but with the temptation
       he will also provide the way of escape,
                      that you may be able to endure it.

2)    Be Watchful, Wise, and Humble (v.12)
       “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”

This command to “take heed” (Greek blepo) means to be able to see; to perceive while looking. To both see and understand. When we think we are strong and secure we tend to stop watching with vigilance. The Bible tells us to wise up and learn from others’ failures, humbling ourselves to the idea that we are fallible. We are told the attack is coming ahead of time so that we can be ready when it comes. The late Ron Mehl used to say, “You can’t prepare for a crisis in a crisis. It must be done ahead of time.” The Bible helps us in many ways, including warning us ahead of time and removing one of the most common excuses.

Excuse Dealt With “I wasn’t ready!”

3)    Realize Your Case Is Neither Unique Nor Unbearable (v.13)
"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man”

This phrase, "Except such as is common" is both humbling and encouraging. It is humbling because it tells us not to flatter ourselves by thinking that we are "special cases" who are suffering under some exceptionally irresistible temptation. We encounter nothing that is not a "common" temptation. The NIrV says, “You are tempted in the same way all other human beings are.” At the same time, we can, and should, be encouraged that others have faced and overcome what we may be facing right now. We are not alone in our fight, nor are we the sole focus of all the attention of the enemy.
Excuse Dealt With…"I’m an exception. No one's had to go through what I have."

4) In the Midst, Remember What Our God Is Like (v.13)
       "[but] God is faithful"
This simple phrase in the midst of this passage raises the shield of faith with the vitality of a champion! We are reminded that when faced with grave temptation we must believe that God really does care about us! I am convinced that all temptation comes at this point—whether we believe that God is faithful or not. In the wilderness, Satan tempted Jesus (as he had tempted Adam & Eve) to believe that God really didn't care or have his best interest at heart. Yet, Jesus clung fiercely to the truth that the Father is faithful — whether we can understand it all or not.
Excuses Dealt With… "God doesn’t care", or "God can't be trusted to provide what I really need."

5) Stop Enabling Your Failure and Start Seeking the Solution (v.13)
    “he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability…”

Tied to the concept of God’s faithfulness is the promise that no temptation will come upon us that will be beyond our ability (in Christ, by the Holy Spirit) to bear. We will certainly face that which is beyond our individual strength, but Jesus doesn’t leave us alone. At a later date, Paul would write to these same believers about his own experience while ministering in Asia Minor,
“For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead.” (2 Cor. 1:8-9)
Jesus will not allow us to face a situation where we will have to fail, for he desires not that we should fail the test, but has done everything so that we might pass.
Excuse Dealt With…“I couldn't help it.”

6) Start trusting in God’s provision for your need
       “But with the temptation will also make the way of escape,”

"He will make a way! He will provide a way out": How can we deal with temptation successfully?  By using the "way out" that our faithful Lord provides.

Paul’s imagery is that of an army trapped in a rugged country, which manages to escape from an impossible situation through a mountain pass. I am reminded of the Exodus march as the Israelites were pursued down a wadi to the beach of the Red Sea. They were utterly trapped until God parted the Red Sea and enabled them to cross while destroying the pursuing army. Then in the wilderness, how many ways did he provide for his people? It is absolutely stunning to consider. So when we are at the breaking point, how many times has he sent us encouragement from his Word, kindness from a stranger or friend, a financial gift we were not expecting, healing from illness and injury, etc.

Just as Jesus, our example, was never in a situation where he was "forced to sin" by choosing the “lesser of two evils” we are never in such a situation…if we make timely use of "the way out" that God provides. We find that way out in the person of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Word of God.
 Excuse Dealt With…“I couldn't escape it. It’s hopeless to try.”

7) Stand firm in Jesus’ Strength
"So you may be able to bear it  (Greek hupophérō = to stand up or bear up under it)":

This doesn't necessarily mean the removal of all tempting circumstances. While we need to use wisdom and avoid those situations that we know will cause temptation, what about those situations we cannot change? This verse teaches us that by making use of "the way out" we can be victorious by endurance and patience while still in the situation. The “way out” or “way of escape” mentioned doesn’t promise the removal of the circumstances, rather God makes it possible for us to "stand up under it!" Think of Jesus' compassionate words in Matthew 11:28-30,
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
  Excuse Dealt With… "I can't take it anymore."

So much more could be said about the way of escape that Christ provides, but I will close this post by simply listing three ways we can begin to recognize it. I will also include Bible references for you to use in your personal devotions on this subject.
  • By Praying Regularly: The first ingredient in personally overcoming the temptations we face, and making use of the way of escape, is prayer. We need to be in constant relationship with our Deliverer, the One who is the "way of escape." We petition the Lord to lead us away from temptation. We can’t do it on our own, but when we bring it all to Jesus and ask for direction, he shows us the path to follow, transforms our hearts to want to follow it, and strengthens us to actually do it. Without the ongoing relationship and gratitude of prayer, we will most likely be found "easy pickings" by the temptations of pride and self-reliance. (Matthew 6:13; 26:41; Mark 14:38)
  • By Knowing, Obeying, & Applying the Word Of God: The way in which we come to the place where we can overcome in the midst of a wicked and evil generation is the way of the Word. We must diligently study, meditate, and search the Scriptures for God's loving answer and then obey what he says, and trust in his promises. If we "hear and do" what the Word says then we will not fall before the floodwaters of temptation no matter how strong or how sudden its onset. It is the Spirit that gives the Scriptures life and power. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to quicken the Scriptures to our souls and illuminate the "way of escape" brighter than any green "Exit" sign ever appeared. Brother Yun, in The Heavenly Man, wrote, "You can never really know the Scriptures until you're willing to be changed by them." May we know the Word because we welcome the change Jesus brings! (Psalm 119:9; 1 John 2:14b; Matthew 7:24-25; James 1:25; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16)
  • By Resisting the Devil: When we resist the devil, in the authority of Jesus Christ, then the devil must flee. Finally, in our struggle against temptation we need to remember that temptation is not yet sin, and that instead of beating ourselves up because some ungodly thought crossed our minds we need to immediately turn to resist the one who put that thought there — the enemy of our souls. We must resist the devil in the armor which God provides (Eph. 6), humbly submitting ourselves to God's care. It is important to know that in order for us to resist we need to be on the lookout for the attacks that will come. It is much harder to prepare once you are in the midst of temptation. Let us be wise and prepare ourselves before temptation comes and live our lives watchfully. We only need to outlast the devil by a fraction of a second and we will have won the victory.  (James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8-10; James 1:12)
And what is that crown called here in 1 Corinthians? An imperishable crown (v. 25), something far better than celery!