Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Big Picture (Part 2) — Learning From Joseph

In my last post, I started talking about Joseph’s experiences as an example of how God uses even the bad things in our lives for his big picture purposes. I know what is so hard for me is that I don’t really have a clue as to how it all works together while I am walking through it. Does that bother you too? I am learning to trust God more in the moment of trial than ever before and Joseph’s story helps. From this narrative, I was reminded of and challenged in several areas.

  1. God’s plan operates above, under, and around the “right now” instantaneous sensory perception of those of us who are involved in the world. Joseph would have had no idea what God was going to do at the beginning of his story. When Joseph was a slave in Potiphar’s house or in the dungeon would he have imagined that one day he would not only be released but be placed in charge of the entire country of Egypt, and with all the trappings of his new position and authority? Pharaoh even gave Joseph a new name, "Zaphnath-paaneah."  While scholars are uncertain as to its exact meaning, this name has been interpreted to mean any of the following: "The Savior of the World," "The Supporter of Life," "The Food of the Living," or "The Revealer of Secrets."  All are appropriate to Joseph and ultimately to our Lord Jesus Christ as well. One day, the Lord Jesus Christ will give to those who overcome a new name as well! What should comfort us in the valley of the shadow is the presence of the Lord with us even as he was with Joseph.
  2. We can allow the things that people have done to us to keep us from trusting and loving others the way that God requires, or we can see our own brokenness in their broken actions. We are all broken and are in need of the grace that God offers in Christ. In acknowledging our own susceptibility to treat other people as mere objects to be arranged as we wish, we will be quicker to forgive and show grace when others treat us that way. When we see the sins of others, it should remind us to repent of our own sins all the more fervently. The tears of a broken and repentant heart when mixed with trust in God’s love are the certain antidote for the malignant cancers of cynicism, bitterness, and hate.
  3. How do we live in the moment when we can’t see God’s big-picture plan? Joseph lived with integrity, distinguishing himself in his work, with patience, and with trust in his God no matter how grievous the situation. We would do well to learn from Joseph to the same. Yet Joseph was not the hero in his own story…it was the presence of God that made all the difference in giving success (Genesis 39:3, 21, 23). Jesus still promises us our daily bread, through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is because though he fully knows us he does not leave us, that we can respond in love. It is because of such responsive love that we can sing, even in the dungeon, “Though none go with you still I will follow, no turning back! No turning back!”
  4. What do we do when the tables are turned and we have both the power and the opportunity for revenge? After testing his brothers to see if they would throw Benjamin “under the bus” like they had done to him, Joseph recognized that God had not only been at work in his own life through the years but in his brothers’ lives as well. Not only did Joseph pass the test of power, but his brothers passed the test of humility. As God used Joseph to test the brothers' hearts, he worked repentance in them.  The testing of their lives produced fear (Gen. 42:28,35) and sorrow (Gen. 42:21), then confession (Gen. 44:16) and repentance (Gen. 42:13-34). Their hearts were changed. They were concerned about their father and his potential grief. They were now willing to stand in place of their brother, even to their own hurt—truly an act of relational repentance from their shameful treatment of Joseph. It was because of this repentance that they were in a position to experience grace, which they heard and received (Gen. 45:5).  It is an old saying, but true that "Those who say, 'We are guilty' could rightly understand the words of precious grace, 'It was not you but God'."[1] Joseph chose to forgive their sins against him and to embrace them again as his family. He was yielded to the larger purpose of God. Are we willing to stand before our brothers that we have treated shamefully, in some way like Joseph was treated, and repent? Are we willing to take the place of dishonor for the benefit of another? I hope so.
  5. They really meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. Which purpose will we choose to respond to, to live into, to die for? It is all too easy to blame others for our failures. It is harder for us to accept our own responsibility to live fully for God despite hardship, suffering, and even death. For what are we willing to die? For our own power, desires, and comfort, or for the holy redemptive cause of Christ in the world? In 1980 Salvadoran martyr Bishop Oscar Romero told a reporter, a short time before he was killed, "You can tell the people that if they succeed in killing me, that I forgive and bless those who do it. Hopefully, they will realize they are wasting their time. A bishop will die, but the church of God, which is the people, will never perish."[2]
  6. God’s big-picture cycle of reward and retribution is not contained in this life on earth, much less within the current workweek. It has been said that we don’t sow and reap in the same season. It is a theological error that directly associates material wealth, worldly comfort, and ease with personal righteousness or the lack of these things with personal sin and foolishness. Just as it was wrong for Job’s friends to conclude that because he had suffered so terribly he must be a heinous sinner, it is wrong for the wealthy to think that God will not hold them accountable for looking down on the poor in oppressive contempt. Jesus is coming back. He is not slow…he is just patient and does not desire that any should perish (2 Peter 3). Let us work together with Jesus towards that end as agents of reconciliation! 
Joseph was not only a wonderful and personal type of Christ but his actions served as a historical type as well.  Arthur W.  Pink, in his book, Gleanings in Genesis lists and describes 101 ways in which Joseph was a type of Christ! While I have not found as many, there is plenty of room for further study on this point. More importantly, I have to ask, do we bear a family resemblance to Joseph and to Jesus? Where do we fit in the big-picture plan of God? He has a place for us. Will we embrace it?

[This post originally appeared on my cultural engagement blog while I was a DMin student.]

[1] C.H. Mackintosh, Notes on the Book of Genesis, (Loizeaux Brothers, 1880,1959), p.331.

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